Tuesday, 16th of April 2024 | 09:30 – 17:00 (EET)
3rd edition of the
International Conference on Cyber Diplomacy (ICCD)
"Safeguarding in the Digital Era: The Dialogues of Cyber Diplomacy"
Palace of Parliament, Take Ionescu Hall
Welcoming Coffee
Welcoming Remarks

Nicolae Ionel CIUCĂ
President, Senate of Romania

President, Chamber of Deputies

Adrian Victor VEVERA
General Director, National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest
Opening Remarks

Mihai Alexandru GHIGIU
Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Romania

Ct. Bogdan-Marius CHIRIŢOIU
President, Competition Council

Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs

Aawatif HAYAR
Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family, Kingdom of Morocco

Dragoş Cristian VLAD
President, Authority for Digitalization of Romania

President, State Secretary, National Institute for Administration

H.E. Kathleen Ann KAVALEC
Ambassador, USA Embassy in Romania

Ilgar Ali Oghlu MUSAYEV
Head of Service, State Service of Special Communication and Information Security, Republic of Azerbaijan
International Consensus on Emerging Technologies: Addressing the Growing Need for a Common Agenda
Explore the need for global consensus on new technologies and cybersecurity challenges, emphasizing diplomatic cooperation and information sharing.
- Importance of Consensus Building in Addressing Emerging Technologies.
- Leveraging Cyber Diplomacy for Technological Innovation and Security.
- Strategies for Enhancing Global Cooperation in Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection.

Moderator: Iulian CHIFU
President, Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning

Vice-President for Global Engagement and Information Technology at Keio University

President of EuroDefense Germany

H.E. Reuven AZAR
Ambassador, Israel Embassy in Romania

Victor PONTA
Former Prime-Minister

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Romania

Constantinos HADJISAVVAS
Project Officer Energy, Research, Technology & Innovation Directorate, European Defence Agency
Networking Coffee Break
Bridging Borders: Regional Diplomatic Initiatives in Cybersecurity and Technology
Investigate regional cooperation dynamics, focusing on cybersecurity challenges and diplomatic strategies for collaboration.
- Regional Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges.
- Perspectives on Emerging Technologies and Digital Transformation.
- Diplomatic Strategies for Addressing Cross-Border Cyber Threats.

Moderator: Horaţiu GÂRBAN
Cybersecurity Expert, Ministry of National Defence

Oguz Serkant AKIN
General Director, Southeast European Law Enforcement Centre

Chief Information Security Officer, State Service of Special Communication and Information Security, Republic of Azerbaijan

Eyüp Kuntay TURMUŞ
SPS Advisor and Programme Manager, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO

Lilian CARP
Chairman, National Security, Defense and Public Order Commission, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

Executive Director of Public Certification, Authority of Turkey / TÜBITAK
On the Brink: Anticipating New Frontiers of Cyber Threats and Disinformation
Examine emerging cyber threats and disinformation campaigns, exploring diplomatic responses and proactive measures to safeguard global security.
- AI's Role in Disinformation Campaigns: Challenges and Diplomatic Responses.
- Identifying proactive measures and resilience strategies to mitigate the impact of cyber threats.
- Diplomatic Approaches to Defending Against Novel Cyber Threats.

Moderator: Claudia Victoria NICOLAE
General Director, AGERPRES

Flavia DURACH, PhD
Associate professor at the College of Communication and Public Relations, National University for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest (SNSPA)

Founder & CEO at TailPath

Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz JASPAL
Director & Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad

Co-founder / Cyber Security consultant, Cyber Trust

Metaverse / Web3 Strategy Immersive experiences, ConceptFactory
Networking Lunch
Cyberdiplomat's Craft: The Art of Diplomacy in the Digital Age
Discuss strategies for diplomats to navigate challenges in the digital era, emphasizing digital literacy, corporate initiatives, and government cooperation.
- Tools and Skills for Diplomatic Success in the Digital Era.
- Impact of Technologies on Diplomatic Relations: Past vs. Present.
- Leveraging Digital Diplomacy for Stakeholder Engagement and Public Perception Management.

Moderator: Monica GHEORGHIŢĂ
Former Secretary of State for Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Christopher PAINTER
President, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise

Chairman of the Fiscal Council

Deputy, Chamber of Deputies
Digital Economy: Fostering a Secure and Prosperous Digital Trade Environment
Promote a secure digital trade environment through corporate initiatives, digital literacy, and government cooperation, fostering prosperity and cybersecurity.
- Corporate Strategies for Promoting Cyber Diplomacy Objectives.
- Empowering Digital Literacy for Secure Engagement in the Digital Economy.
- Government Cooperation and SME Cybersecurity Enhancement.

Moderator: Dan CĂRBUNARU
Director, Calea Europeană

Cristian SPORIŞ
President AmCham Romania, Vice-president Board of Directors Raiffeisen Bank Romania

Florin Marian SPĂTARU
State Counsellor, The Chancellery of the Prime Minister

Manager, Institute of Public Administration of Bulgaria

Kenan ACAR, PhD
Chairman of The Board at Acar Group - Member of DEİK Türkiye-Romania Business Council

Ambassador of Indonesia in Romania

Managing Partner, Tema Energy
Networking Coffee Break
Charting the Digital Landscape: AI and Beyond in Modern Governance
Explore the balance between digital sovereignty and multi-stakeholder models in internet governance, highlighting diplomatic challenges and opportunities for collaboration.
- Diplomatic Considerations in Multi-stakeholder Digital Governance.
- The potential of AI and other emerging technologies in aiding democratic processes and initiatives.
- International Cooperation for Innovative and Secure Cyber Policies.

Moderator: Radu PUCHIU
Technology & Society Program Director, ASPEN

Chairman, Cyber Security Council BIA

Dr. Rajesh KUMAR K V
Associate Professor, The AI Research Centre, School of Business - Business Analytics Department, Woxsen University

Director, Center for European Studies

Gabriel RAICU
Rector, Constanţa Maritime University

President, Women4Cyber Romania

Chairman, Critical Infrastructure Protection Association

Gabriela MATEI
Head of Training Team, Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center
Towards Global Harmony: Collaborative Legal Frameworks for Emerging Technologies
Advocate for collaborative legal frameworks in emerging technologies through diplomatic channels, partnerships with technology companies, and promotion of ethical standards.
- Diplomatic Initiatives for International Agreements on Cybersecurity.
- Collaborative Partnerships for Responsible Behaviour in the Digital Realm.
- Diplomatic Strategies for Promoting Ethical and Innovative Technological Development.

Moderator: Monica GHEORGHIŢĂ
Former Secretary of State for Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Senator, Senate of Romania TBC

Lilian CARP
Chairman, National Security, Defense and Public Order Commission, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

H.E. Chunlin HAN
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China

Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz JASPAL
Director & Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad

Partner, Rizoiu & Poenaru SCA

Cătălin ANDRUŞ
Director, National College of Home Affairs

Senior Project Officer, Cybercrime Programme Office (CPROC), Council of Europe - Conseil de l'Europe